dgfsi [at] fsi [dot] nic [dot] in


Information is a source of learning………………………..

But unless it is organized, processed and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit!!!!!!

Forest Survey of India (FSI) is an esteemed national organization under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and climate change and mandated to assess the India"s forest resource periodically. Besides forest resource assessment the Training unit of the premier organization also involved in conducting training since 1981 to forestry personnel in an endeavor to disseminating knowledge and information on the modern techniques being employed in forestry survey to enable efficient planning, management, scientific and sustained nations forest resources. Therefore, training encompassess planning and capacity building in realization of importance of Human Resource Development and technical skills.

RS-GIS is a very useful and most effective planning tool for strategic planning and management of the forest, therefore, the need of the hour is to strengthen the RS-GIS based technology for Forest Resource assessment. In this concerned, the training provides for one week courses, short-term courses of 2-3 days duration and also conduct outreach training programmes in the states on the request of state forest departments for updating the knowledge and strengthening skills for managing the natural resources of the country through subsidizing tailor-made courses on advancements in application of RS & GIS for the preparation of working Plans, GPS/DGPS/Drone applications in Forest Survey and Demarcation and in Forest Resource Assessment.

Capacity building of human resource is recognized as one of the critical component to strengthen in the country so that the benefits of the harmonized and standardized RS/GIS based technology fulfill the specific needs of forest management, resource inventory and mapping.

Providing a historical and progressive perspective to the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge by means of lectures, technical sessions, practical discussions, demonstrations and field visits.

Forest Survey of India is equipped with modern infrastructure, state of art hardware & software and an eminent, skilled in-house and guest professionals from reputed institutions to organize the training programmes. The advanced Digital Image Processing (DIP) software like ERDAS Imagine and GIS software like ArcGIS are available for training purpose. Training on the open source software like Q-GIS is also imparted.

The National Forest Data Management Centre (with Digital Cartographic System & advanced RS/GIS facilities) and the Forest Inventory Unit, with their specialized activities also cater to the specific needs of imparting trainings on special themes. Sufficient number of GPS, DGPS units are available for hands on exercises. The training courses also facilitate the emerging technology viz. drone technology and their applications in forestry. In addition, course lectures, practical sessions with demonstrations, discussions and field visits are also structured in the training modules.

Over and above, besides in-house faculties, an eminent guest faculties from reputed national institution and premier organizations viz., Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Regional Remote Sensing Service Centre, Survey of India (SOI), Wildlife Institute of India (WII), ICFRE/FRI & experts from SFDs, IITs & National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) Hyderabad invites to share their knowledge and experience with the course participants in specialized domain. The training programme also contributes in delivering the course contents, schedule and study material to all participants that is meticulously designed by the course coordinators and experts.

Accommodation is provided in the training hostel (Vanavarn Bhavan) located in FSI campus. The training hostel has been constructed on an area of 1444 sq. m. the states of art double storeyed building is equipped with single and double AC rooms/ lounge, conference hall and community dining hall with kitchen. Accommodation is provided in the Training Hostel generally on twin sharing basis. The hostel has 7 suites and 9 double bedded AC rooms with TV, lounge, conference hall, internet and dining facility.

The organization also providing the facilities of indoor games like table tennis, chess and carom. The campus has enough space for morning/evening walks and also providing the yoga classes by highly qualified and experienced yoga trainers.

There is no course fee for the participants sponsored by the States/ UT Forest departments. The salary, travelling expenses etc. of the participants during the training are borne by the concerned forest departments. Forest Survey of India bears the boarding and lodging expenses of the participants attending the training courses.

At the end, after successfully completion of the course, all course participants were awarded with a certificate of completion of the course and furthermore, provided with a pen drive containing study material (both in hard as well as soft format) including all presentations.

New NFI Design
Forest Cover Mapping for the 16th Cycle
Decision Support system (DSS) & e-Green Watch
Forest Resource/Carbon Inventory for Preparation of Working Plan
Application of RS/GIS in Preparation of Working Plan
Application of Drone/DGPS in Forest Survey and Demarcation
Application of RS/GIS & Inventory in Effective Forest Planning & Management.
Forest Fire Monitoring & Damage Assessment
Sensitization Course on Forest Resource Monitoring by FSI
Sr. No. Month Name of Training Designation of the Officers Duration of Course Participants
1 January 1) Application of RS/GIS
in Preparation of
Working Plan
WPO/ACF/RFO One Week, 15.01.2018 to 19.01.2018 23

1) GPS/DGPS in Forest
Surveys & Demarcation
DCF/ACF/RFO/Forest Surveyors One Week, 05.02.2018 to 9.02.2018 26
3 2)"Forest Fire Monitoring
& Damage Assessment"
IFS Officer"s Two Days, 26.02.2018 to 27.02.2018 12
4 March --- --- --- ---
5 April --- --- --- ---
6 May "Forest & Environment
ISS Probationers One Week, 01.05.2018 to 04.05.2018 26
7 June --- --- --- ---
8 July "New National Forest
Inventory Design"
Zonal Staff of FSI One Week, 16.07.2018 to 20.07.2018 20
9 July 'Sub regional workshop
for South and Central
Asia on Global Forest
Resources Assessment
2020 (FRA 2020)
Sub regional workshop for South and Central Asia Four Days, 24.07.2018 to 27.07.2018 25
10 August "New National Forest
Inventory Design"
Zonal Staff of FSI One Week, 06.08.2018 to 10.08.2018 22

"Application of RS/GIS
in Preparation of
Working Plan"
WPO/ACF/RFO One Week, 03.09.2018 to 07.09.2018 10
12 "National Working Plan
Code 2014"
Officers of Karnataka Forest Department Three Days,17.09.2018 to 19.09.2018 20
13 "Application of RS/GIS & Inventory in
Effective Forest Planning & Management"
IFS officers One Week, 24.09.2018 to 28.09.2018 18
- - - - Total 202

FSI also organized professionals visit to supplement information on on-going Geomatics activities in the organization, viz. FCM, FTM, Forest Fire Monitoring, Forest Inventory and TOF assessment to professionals representing from different states. Scientists, academicians, researchers and students of forestry were among the regular visitors and these visits have always been appreciated.

Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19
Visitors Photo During 2018-19

Visitors to FSI during 2018

IFS, SFS probationers, FRO’s, Foresters and Scientists of central/ state government ministries or departments

Academicians/ Students/ Faculty of undergraduate, Post graduate course of Forestry based or Agriculture based universities

Sr. No. Name of Organization No of Participants Date
1 B.Sc. Forestry (Hons.) Birsa Agriculture University Ranchi 22 02.11.2017
2 Students and Staff from Forest College & Res. Institute (TNAU) Metta Palayam Tamil Nadu 40 02.011.2017
3 SFS officer from CASFOS Dehradun 12 09.11.2017
4 SFS officer from CASFOS Dehradun 35 04.012.2017
5 Forest Training Institute (HP) 45 19.12.2017
6 Kundal Academy of Development Administration and Management Kundal, Distt: Sangli (MH) 38 26.12.2017
7 Forest Training Institute & Rangers College, Sundernagar (HP) 49 29.12.2017
8 B.Sc. Student from Central Agriculture Univ. College of Horticulture & Forestry Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh 20 02.01.2018
9 IFS CASFOS Coimbatore 38 08.02.2018
10 Sam Higginbottom University of Agr. Tech & Sciences Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 42 19.02.2018
11 SHUATS, Allahabad, UP 38 22.02.2018
12 Kashmir Forest Training School 22 07.03.2018
13 C.S. Azad University Kanpur 47 27.03.2018
14 CASFOS Dehradun 44 12.04.2018
15 Karnataka Forest Academy Gungargatti Mummigatti Dharwad 44 27.04.2018
16 Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University 14 16.05.2018
17 Karnataka Forest Academy, Dharwad 41 24.05.2018
18 IIRS, ISRO Dehradun 7 30.05.2018
19 FRO's Unit from Telangana Forest Acedemy, Hyderabad 67 01.06.2018
20 FRO's Haldwani 29 11.06.2018
21 FRO Trainees Kundal Forest Academy Sangli, Maharashtra 34 04.07.2018
22 Tamil Nadu Forest Academy Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 32 10.09.2018
23 Forest Training Institute (HP) 49 14.09.2018
24 Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy, Haldwani 30 18.09.2018
25 Central Academy for State Forest Service, Assam 32 25.09.2018
26 CASFOS, Burnihat, Assam 32 11.10.2018
27 Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun 43 12.10.2018
28 Indian Institute of Remote Sensing 4 31.10.2018
29 College of Forestry, Karnataka State University of Agriculture and Sciences 56 01.11.18
30 Forest College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 46 27.11.18
31 Kundal Academy of Development, Administration (Forest) Kundal Dist 32 01.01.2019
32 Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Tech & Environment, Shimla 15 02.01.2019
33 Forest Training Institute, (H.P) 47 16.01.2019
34 IIRS, DDN 11 16.01.2019
35 Faculty of Forestry Birsa Agricultural University Ranchi, Jharkhand 14 07.02.2019
36 CASFOS Dehrdaun 45 08.02.2019
37 CASFOS Coimbatore 38 14.02.2019
38 Gujarat Forest Rangers College, Rajpipla Gujarat 35 22.02.2019
39 Kashmir Forest Training Institute J&K (Bandipora) 23 27.02.2019
40 College of Forestry SHUATS, Darya Ganj (UP) 44 28.02.2019
41 Forestry Institute, Nepal 46 01.02.19
42 Forestry Institute, Nepal 46 03.02.19

Training on e-Green Watch & Handling of GPS to Madhya Pradesh Forest Department

Office Building of FSI (EZ), Kolkata Office Building of FSI (EZ), KolkataA five day training program on handling of GPS & e-Green watch was conducted by resource persons of FSI at Bhopal to trainthe officials of Madhya Pradesh Forest

Department attended the training. The training was well appreciated highly rated and it was requested to conduct similar trainings in future.

Three Days Training Course for Officers of Karnataka Forest Department on National Working Plan Code 2014

Office Building of FSI (EZ), KolkataThree Days Training Course for Officers of Karnataka Forest Department on National Working Plan Code 2014 was held during 17th to 19th September 2018 at FSI, Dehradun. Training was dedicated towards imparting role of Remote Sensing, GIS in preparation of Working Plan as per National Working Plan Code 2014. The course covered topics related to Geomatics and Statistical techniques in Forest Resource assessment, Biomass Expansion Factor, TOF Assessment.

Two days training for field staff of Rajasthan Forest Department

FSI team conducted a two day training programme at Jaipur on 23rd and 24th of April 2018 to impart training on sampling design, field manual and field forms to the field staff of Rajasthan Forest Department and demo was also organised in field to SFD officers and officials at Jaipur regarding laying out plot and collection of data. Sample point for inventory of TOF (Rural) for 8 districts has been generated and sent to Rajasthan Forest Department for inventory.

Office Building of FSI (EZ), KolkataThree Days Training Course for Officers of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department on Carbon Estimation

Three days training course on ""Techniques of Carbon Measurement using high resolution satellite data"" for officers of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department. The training emphasised on IPCC Framework for Forest Carbon Assessment, Use of High resolution Satellite Data in Assessment of carbon Stock, Estimation of Carbon in Bamboo & A case study for Hoshangabad for estimation of Carbon Stock. Total 30 Officers from Madhya Pradesh Forest

Terminal workshop on "Technical Cooperation Programme of FAO for Strengthening National Forest Inventory and Monitoring Protocols and Capacities in India"

A one-day workshop to discuss on the Strengthening National Forest Inventory and Monitoring Protocols and Capacities in India was held on 17th March 2018 at FSI, Dehradun. The workshop aimed at discussing the various components of NFMS prepared by FSI.

The workshop was attended by participants including representatives from FAO Sri Lanka, FAOR, IIRS, State Forest Departments (Nagaland, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh). Workshop was also attended by FSI officers, JTAs, STAs, ADs, Project Scientists and Technical Associates working in FSI.

Sub-regional workshop for South and Central Asia on Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 (FRA 2020)

Sub-regional workshop for South and Central Asian Countries on Global Forest Resource Assessment 2020 (FRA 2020) to discuss the objectives, Strengthening FRA 2020 on-line platform was held during 24th to 27th July 2018 at FSI, Dehradun.

The workshop aimed at providing technical assistance and guidance to NCS for the compilation of FRA 2020 Country Reports through the online Platform and discussing the various issues in country reporting processes. Forest Survey of India is the nodal agency for country reporting for FRA and Director General, Forest Survey of India is the National Correspondent.


India State of Forest Report (ISFR) is a biennial publication of Forest Survey of India (FSI) an organization under the Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change Government of India

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